We’re here to help Coaches find their SoulTRIBE

The top three things you are guaranteed to find out in a 10  minute Astro/Cosmo Reading with Astro Dr Lexis:

> Your Soul Purpose

> Your Soul Tribe who needs you

> Your Soul Talents to help them with….

Astro Soul Purpose Readiness

If You Knew You Could Not Fail… what would you do

Are you ready to discover the truth? Your truth…. The truth  about why you’re here. You know, like what’s your Life  Purpose?

Your true Soul’s Purpose for this lifetime?…Its really easy to  find out. I’ll share that with you in a minute… listen up:

Why wouldn’t you want to know your Life Purpose? Well, I’ll  tell you.

If you don’t want to grow up and accept responsibility for  your choices in life


you want to just  drift along like a  cork on the  ocean; bobbing  along with the  whims of the  breeze (or worse,  crashing waves  battering you  along life’s path into the rocks or sinking you to the depths  and a murky un-lived, unfulfilled life) then maybe you don’t  want to know and maybe you just want to be surprised!

Oh you’re going to be surprised, all right. Your soul came to  this earth-body at this particular time to have certain

experiences… Except, YOU get to say when you’re done  having them and when you’re ready to move on to the next  thing…That’s called Free Will.

But if you don’t exercise your Free Will and you just let things  happen willy-nilly, then you get stuck in an ‘experience-loop’.

You keep attracting more and  more of the same painful experiences until you make a decision that you’re fully responsible for what happens to  you in this lifetime and you’re  going to make some choices and  changes right now.

Thats when its time you find out  for sure, exactly what is your Soul’s Purpose?

I’m not being melodramatic or anything… Many people prefer  to blame life’s circumstances rather than take responsibility  for where they get to in life… but if you had the blueprint that  your Soul gave you when you were born….


As long as you followed that blueprint, wouldn’t you want to know what that blueprint is?

Kinda like if you found a treasure map with drawings of gold and jewels and a magic genie lamp… Wouldn’t you want to follow the clues on the map and go find your  treasure? Wouldn’t you want to try?

You never know, you just might get everything your heart  desires!

Maybe this will help you decide if you’re truly ready to find out if its time to know your Soul

Purpose Blueprint:

How many of these sentences can you check as true for you?

You know you’re ready for your Soul Purpose Blueprint Reading when….

> serendipitous events happen that seem coincidentally  pre-ordained

You know you’re ready for your Soul Purpose Blueprint Reading when….

> you feel like you’re on a hamster wheel, or like that guy  in the movie Groundhog Day, When every day seems to  be a repeat of the day before…

You know you’re ready for your Soul Purpose Blueprint  Reading when….

> When you’re finally fed up, sick and tired and not gonna  take it any more about your life slipping away and you  aren’t any closer to accomplishing your dreams and  you’re just not super happy about life… Weren’t you just  18 with your whole life ahead of you and one day you woke up and… where did all the time go?

You know you’re ready for your Soul Purpose Blueprint  Reading when….

You know there’s something better for you;  you’ve felt it in your heart for as long as you can  remember but…. Everyone else tells you to play it safe,  get a job, save your money, work work work to buy a  house, go on a cheap holiday one week a year and help  your boss get the life of his dreams! 

You know you’re ready for your Soul Purpose Blueprint  Reading when….

> you keep seeing repetitive numbers, like 777 or 12:34 or  5555 or… your birthday numbers or your house numbers  or everything happens in 3’s….

You know you’re ready for your Soul Purpose Blueprint  Reading when….

> you think you see someone out of the corner of your  eye, but when you take a good look, you see nothing out  of the ordinary

You know you’re ready for your Soul Purpose Blueprint  Reading when….

> you keep finding coins, or white feathers, or some other  object that is unusual to be just lying in your path for you  to find

You know you’re ready for your Soul Purpose Blueprint  Reading when….

> a song comes on the radio and the words pop out at  you and you feel like its telling you something; some  message just for you

Soul Purpose Blueprint

You know you’re ready for your Soul Purpose Blueprint  Reading when….

> Everything seems to be going wrong in your life! (Let’s not  even go there. If this is one of the things you checked then its  better not to get any more depressed than you already are!)

You know you’re ready for your Soul Purpose Blueprint  Reading when….

> you actually see physical signs, like billboards, or signs in stores or bumper stickers telling you to do those things you’ve always wanted to do, but somehow someone or  something talked you out of it….

You know you’re ready for your Soul Purpose Blueprint  Reading when….

> you just aren’t happy with your life; you feel disillusioned. You were told to go to school, get good grades, to get a good job so that you could buy nice things like a home and all the things that go with it, but you just don’t feel fulfilled and you didn’t even get the things you thought you would with the paltry amount of money you get paid. The money just doesn’t stretch like you were told it would!

THAT’s how you know you’re ready… if you checked any  ONE of the above things…

So how many of these things are going on in your life right  now?

Don’t you think your Soul is screaming at you to finally get  started fulfilling your Life’s Mission?

Isn’t it time you found out what your Soul Blueprint is for this  lifetime?

What if….? What if you had all the tools you needed AND you knew you could not fail?

It only takes a few minutes for Astro Dr Lexis to tell you:

> Your Soul Purpose; what you are meant to do in this life  this time around

> Who you are meant to serve! Your Soul Tribe of ideal  people who need what your Soul Talents that were given to  you to serve them with…

> Which of your Soul Talents you are best served to develop  just so you can serve your Soul Tribe

> What Social Media your Soul wants you to develop for  this lifetime (some of us are meant to be in front of the camera; some of us behind the camera; some of us must write books; some of us must sing or speak; some are best served on physical stages; some on virtual stages and some are best served by having others refer people to you; while some are better served going to the places your  Soul Tribe hangs out and…

> Where your Soul Tribe hangs out so you can meet them  halfway at least!

What if you could hold the answers to your Soul Blueprint in the palm of your hand and KNOW what you are here to do; who you are here to serve and what the heck you are supposed to help them with…?

The top three things you are guaranteed to find out in a 10  minute Astro/Cosmo Reading with Astro Dr Lexis:

> Your Soul Purpose

> Your Soul Tribe who needs you

> Your Soul Talents to help them with….

I know it would be absolutely PRICELESS for you to find this out….

And I have a surprise for you!

Its NOT priceless… for a very limited time this $297 mini Reading is yours for just $97 because Dr Lexis said so!

She wants to help as many Lightworkers and Heart-Centered Online Entrepreneurs as possible because the world is in  chaos and needs you Right NOW!

Nobody else is doing this exact and very valuable reading  and its not going to stay at this ultra low investment for long.  Please book yours now before the rates go up up up!